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Through interactive and inspiring masterclasses and workshops, we support participants to:
A) understand the key ingredients for creating an inclusive organization, department, or team;
B) gain insight into what they can do themselves to shape that inclusive process step by step;
C) organize facilitating activities, for example, from HR and the board of directors.
We can offer a masterclass or workshop via a one-off 'introduction to the theme' or masterclass in combination with a series of workshops that support the process towards inclusion over a certain period.
Our basic approach in diversity and inclusion is a constructive learning process. We look at the needs, wants, and possibilities while facing reality altogether.


Together with a theater group - for example actors from generational theater - we can provide an interactive, playful and very varied program that fits well with the movement that the organization wants to make. The program is a wonderful mix of science, humor and scenes from work life. The program is coordinated with the client.

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Diversity and inclusion scan
A diversity and inclusion scan is essential for a clear and well-considered approach to measure and monitor your diversity and inclusion journey. 
This scan can determine:
A) the actual degree of specific demographics in the organization;
B) the current level of inclusion within your organization;
C) what the possibilities are for taking actual steps towards an inclusive organization and what support can stimulate that process.


Generational research
In work sessions of approximately 1 hour, an investigation is conducted with a small group from each generation to discover the factors that take away and generate the most work energy. The sessions are recorded on video and summarized. The summaries visualize the organization's movement away from what is out of date towards an inclusive contemporary organization, and what can be done to support this process.


There is also an option to provide further support through consultancy and coaching separately from or combined with a master class, workshop, or research scans concerning activities and diversity and inclusion programs to create and maintain a diverse and inclusive organization.

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